Fire Safety Management & Assessment

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 requires every person who has some level of control within your business premises, to take all reasonable steps to reduce the risk from fire and for ensuring that everyone can escape to safety if a fire occurs. This includes Employers, Building Owners, Landlords (shared premises) and even the Facilities or Building Manager. In some instances more than one person can be responsible.

fire risk assessment is an essential part of this risk management process and, with regard to life safety, is a legal requirement which must be carried out in all workplaces.

The findings of this fire risk assessment will identify what you need to do to protect everyone who may foreseeably come to your workplace. They will also form the basis for your Emergency Evacuation Plan, which must not rely on local fire and rescue service involvement to be effective.

Fire Safety Management Services

  • Identify the responsible person(s) for the fire management of your workplace.
  • Carry out a fire risk assessment of your areas of responsibility.
  • Prepare a formal fire risk assessment report.
  • Create an Fire Action Plan detailing all necessary works and actions.
  • Support close out of actions (optional).
  • Identify the fire hazards present in your premises and processes.
  • Identify the people who are affected by these hazards.
  • Evaluate the risks to prioritise actions.
  • Present / discuss findings in draft format identifying any high risk areas which require urgent action.
  • Finalise the Fire Risk Assessment and present the findings to designated persons and management on site.
  • Create an Action Plan detailing all necessary works and actions
  • Carry out additional consultancy services on site to support the close out of works and actions (optional)

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